Building Live Search Box

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Like in section 04 Implement the Pattern in Common Async Scenarios, it's time to implement the pattern in common scenarios!

Now that you're familiar with the pattern we'll build a search box that handles a few different async scenarios.

You'll filter values based on user input, debounce text while a user is typing, and send a request once they are finished. Finally, we'll see how to implement a cache to save on network requests

You're in Section 07 of Composing Closures and Callbacks in JavaScript


John Lindquist

John Lindquist is a co-founder of John has spent the majority of his career developing Rich Web Applications. Before starting, John worked at JetBrains as a WebStorm evangelist, and before that he was a Technical Architect at Isobar leading large teams in building the latest and greatest in web apps for the Air Force, HBO, and Bloomberg. Learn more about John's story with egghead here.

Course content (8 lessons)

    illustration for Building Live Search Box