Scheduling Events with AWS Lambda (a.k.a. Lambda cron jobs)

InstructorWill Button

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Learn how to create AWS Lambda functions that execute on a scheduled interval, much like a cron job would. In this lesson we will create a Lambda function that checks for a string of text on a website to verify the website is up and operational. The lambda function logs to CloudWatch Metrics and sends a notification email using an SNS queue if the check fails.

Sequoia McDowell
Sequoia McDowell
~ 8 years ago

Nice video but SLOW DOWN! The jump cuts are disorienting-- the mouse just blinks across the page and the state of the page has changed, the text appears out of nowhere etc. Appreciate the speed but this made me have to stop & rewind a bunch of times. Useful tutorial tho, thanks!

Will Button
Will Button(instructor)
~ 8 years ago

You got it! Thanks for the feedback!