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Introduction to Livestreaming

InstructorChris Biscardi

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A short look at what I do before I change from my "Starting Soon" scene to my "live scene" and a brief overview of what to except from the collection

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Chris: Hey. I'm Chris. This is a little bit of a view into what goes on behind the scenes when I have my starting soon scene up when I'm getting started to stream on Twitch.

Streaming on Twitch is a great way to test new content, to engage with an audience that you're building a trust relationship with over a large period of time, and to just generally hang out and teach people things.

Many people think of vlogging or streaming as a very produced sort of medium. I'm here to tell you it's not. Everybody messes up all the time. You don't need to worry about it. Your first stream will not go well. Your next five streams might go a little better. Really what you're looking for is for stream number 50 to be a good stream. To do that, all you need to do is click the go live button.

In this collection, what I'm going to do is take you through from the very beginnings of starting a Twitch account and getting set up to downloading OBS and setting up your scenes, all the way through to the ultra-customization and what hardware I use, how to do a dual PC stream setup, and everything like that. Let's get started.