Build a Node.js REST API with LoopBack

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In this course the developer will learn how to create a LoopBack API and build it out to an API that can be used as a backend for apps. We will start by creating a basic LoopBack API project and gradually enhance it to a production ready API. The API we create defines a few models to persist the data and has custom functionality, validation and hooks added to those models.

After our data structure is defined we will learn how to extend the functionality of LoopBack by using mixins and components. We will also lock our API down using ACL’s and create a mechanism to automatically define the admin and user roles and create our admin user.

The last part of the course will show how how to filter the data stored in the API. We will make the API production-ready by adding unit tests, connecting it to MongoDB and we will show how to deploy the app to


Bram Borggreve

Hedonist, traveler, software developer. I have a great passion for JavaScript and work every day with LoopBack and Angular. Other passions are music, beer and traveling.

Course content (15 lessons)

    illustration for Build a Node.js REST API with LoopBack